Bjorn Westergard wrote:
> Would that work? I don't think the code is written that way...
> On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 3:18 AM, Leslie P. Polzer <leslie.polzer@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> I'd love nothing more than for someone to add support for an arbitrary
>>> number of bands in that vocoder plugin. Even just a high number of
>>> bands hardcoded would be great. I looked through the code myself, but
>>> didn't see an obvious way to do it...
>> Change MAX_BANDS?
Yes, it will - the original plugin had an OSC control to set the number
of bands, and MAX_BANDS was set to 16. I found that with more than 12
bands the plugin became really unstable and could hammer CPU for no
readily apparent reason. Probably ten or twelve bands would be okay.
My plan is to change the highest and lowest filters to be highpass and
lowpass filters, rather than bandpass.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Jul 6 04:15:15 2008
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