Brad Fuller wrote:
> My delta 66 works great in Linux. And, they're pretty inexpensive right now.
I'm going to take the liberty of throwing this out to the list at large.
No doubt this has been asked a million times (heck, maybe there are some
new options since the last time this question came up), but what are
some good two-channel in-out cards (24-bit capable) with MIDI that
really work super-well with ALSA. 1/4 inch jacks for the audio would be
really nice, I dare say, even required. Working on a 64-bit system would
also be a requirement.
The Echo MiaMIDI is looking pretty good. Any word on how well they work
in 64-bit Linux?
-- Darren
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 8 04:15:06 2008
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