Re: [LAU] problem accessing vst gui

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 08 2008 - 16:01:48 EEST

Susanne Schneider wrote:
> I'm using some spare vst plugins in Ardourvst 2.4.1. In my Suse 10.3 with Fluxbox I still use wine-0.9.52 for this, because newer wineversions cause the following behaviour of the vst gui: when opening the vst gui, there are 2 windows popping up, the one is empty, only showing enable/disable button, the other one is the functional vst gui. Reopening them a second time after having them closed is impossible, the vst gui remains disappeared. I then have to close and restart Ardourvst for newly gaining access to the vst gui. Under KDE I have this strange behaviour with every wine version (but this doesn't bother me so much because I love Fluxbox anyway).
> And: YES, I did activate the "allow windowmanager to ... (or so)" option in wineconfig.
> Now, in most actual Suse 11, there is no way to downgrade wine (or I just didn't yet find a way).
> my question: does anybody experience similar problems and how do you solve them?
It's been a while since I built & ran ArdourVST, but I don't recall
having that problem. However, recently someone mentioned that dropping
the native Windows gdiplus.dll into the Wine system might help correct
some VST misbehavior. IIRC you'll also need to add it in the Libraries
tab in winecfg. Make sure the load order is native Windows first, then
the built-in (if there is a built-in of that dll for Wine).

Sorry I can't help more. We're pretty much on our own when it comes to
VST + Ardour. :-/



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Received on Tue Jul 8 16:15:05 2008

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