Re: [LAU] Problems building jsampler

From: Hermann Meyer <>
Date: Tue Jul 08 2008 - 17:26:48 EEST

Am Dienstag, 8. Juli 2008 15:00:05 schrieb Julien Claassen:
> Hi!
> OK, now it somehow works. but I can't simply start the console I heard
> of. the program WANTS to use the graphic. It seems I can't dissuade
> jsapmler from trying to use the awt x11 routines. Is there a switch to do
> so?
> Kindest regards
> Julien
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> Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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I use the script /jsampler/scripts/js-classic or/and fantasia to start
jsampler. I edit the $JAVA_HOME Path and the $JS_CLASSIC_PATH start
linuxsampler with the script and let linuxsampler load the instrument-db
which I store in my $HOME.
At least I kill linuxsampler with the script when I close jsampler, because I
am mostly run linuxsampler with a GUI.
I do the same for jsampler -fantasia.
jsampler dont start or kill linuxsampler as default. normaly you can use
jsampler to make your settings, close jsampler and play, open jsampler and
edit again your settings close it again . . . .

regards hermann
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 8 20:15:02 2008

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