(cc to jack-devel)
On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, Julien Claassen wrote:
>> Hello Kjetil!
>> I just installed and ran jack_capture a couple of times. Sometimes it
>> crashes with this:
>> jack_capture[28116]: segfault at 08072000 eip 0804b1f0 esp bffa6c70 error
>> 6
>> Segmentation fault
>> Funny, now I tried it again, it doesn't do it again. The error message was
>> something like:
>> ...
>> zombified
>> JACK shutdown.
>> The setup was: LinuxSampler running and MPlayer playing. Recording from
>> mplayer or recording from LinuxSampler with MPlayer finished.
>> The zombified error only came, when I hit RETURN ctrl-c respectively. So
>> it didn't crash while working there.
>> Any idea why that might have happend? Oh one last note: I don't have
>> meterbridge installed.
>> Kindest regards
>> Julien
> Ouch, thanks for reporting. But I'm not quite sure what happened.
> Is this the correct events?:
> 1. Started LinuxSampler and Mplayer
> 2. Started jack_capture without any arguments.
> 3. Pressed RETURN or ctrl-c in jack_capture terminal
> 4. Got the message "zombified" and "JACK shutdown"
> in jack_capture terminal
> 5. jack_capture segfaults
> Also, which version of jack are you running? There was
> a bug in jack recently which could make jack crash when a program
> exited. (I don't think jack_capture shouldn't segfault even because
> of that bug though)
Okay, the segfault in jack_capture has been fixed. I
had screwed up the handling of jack shutdown. New
version of jack_capture is uploaded.
I think though, that the reason jack shut down in the
first place, is because of a bug in jack. I don't know
the status of that situation. Perhaps someone on the
jack list can say something about whether it has
been fixed.
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Received on Wed Jul 9 16:15:03 2008
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