Florin Andrei wrote:
>> ... using Jean-Pierre Lemoine's AVSynthesis.
> Very nice. I tried this software a while ago but it was a pain to
> install. Hopefully that will change.
No, it's still a bit of a pain. ;)
It's very specific about its requirements, e.g. Csound 5.08 compiled for
double precision, which means the user is probably going to have build
some stuff.
> A few observations:
Thanks again, Florin. Have you considered writing a HOWTO or a dedicated
Web site for this information ? It's obvious you know it very well, and
it would be great to have a 1-stop web site for it.
Btw, the Vimeo site converts my videos, but I don't know to what format.
Given what you've seen and understand of the site, what would be my
best-choice options for rendering the AVSynthesis images to video ? As
you note, I'm currently rendering to 800x600, but I'll gladly switch to
something better if you advise. Here's the routine I'm using for
creating 1-pass videos from the AVS images:
mencoder -oac copy -audiofile ../render.wav -ovc lavc -lavcopts
vcodec=mpeg4:vme=1:keyint=30:vbitrate=1000 -vf scale=800:600 -noskip -mf
type=tga:fps=30 -o foo.avi mf://@list
"list" is of course the ordered list of the TGA images. The routine
creates decent video, not as good as I'd like but at least the resulting
file is not so huge. FYI, there's a 500 MB limit per week for uploads at
> mjpegtools on Linux give you a full processing chain that can be used to
> tweak the image and remove letterboxing, if you can't convince
> AVSynthesis directly to not letterbox.
Just to clarify: AVS does no rendering to video at all, it simply
creates the image sequence. I have control over the recorder frame rate
and the image width & height, that's all that's available to me in AVS
Thanks again for your assistance, Florin, it is greatly apreciated. I'm
starting to understand this stuff better, but it's a lot for my tired
old brain to learn and comprehend. :)
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