Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I just fooled around with LinuxSampler and ecasound, my favourite recording
> tool. And I wonder:
> is a system with 512M of memory and a 2.8gHz supposed to handle a running LS
> and recording at the same time. When I stress LS alone (no recording started)
> I can get it up to about 20-28% CPU usage and memory usage of LS was 82%.
> There's no GUI on my system and not much else which is eating at the CPU and
> memory. The other CPU costs are minimal, estimate of 4-6%.
> If that kind of system is supposed to handel my demands, I should look for
> troublemakers, because LS gave me glitches while recording.
> Kindest regards
> Julien
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hi, julien. i use linuxsampler but with the qsampler gui, so i did a
test using qps to get the stats.
my box is also 2.8 ghz but i have 1.5G of ram.
at idle linuxsampler ( not including gui ) uses 1% cpu maximum.
if i bang up and down on as many keys as i can with both forearms cpu
use reaches 22%.
memory use obviously depends on the size of the loaded soundfont.
if i load the biggest font i have - maestro grand piano v2 - memory use
is 187M, again not including gui.
with 512M of ram and no X running this should not stress your system.
are you using a really big soundfont?
is ecasound using a lot of ram at idle?
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