Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Pieter Palmers schrieb:
>> Hartmut Noack wrote:
>> Jack 0.109.2 is seriously ill. You'll find that he's partially recovered
>> in latest SVN.
>> Regarding your FFADO issues: please make sure you run the latest beta
>> version and provide debug logs as indicated in the README file.
> Hey Pieter - you are No1 :-)
That's a nice thing to hear on a saturday morning...
> after building jackd and ffado from SVN and manually copying all the
> jack-libs from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib (had such issues before thus I
> knew this dirty trick already...)
I personally think you better use a /usr prefix when compiling. These
dirty tricks can cause all sorts of nasty side-effects.
> It WORKS!!
> Still jackd aborts when running with ffado after a few minutes but this
> appeares to be a Ubuntu-related problem. I had 5-6h sessions with the
> very same hardware-setup running jackd with freebob under 64Studio 2.0
> always closing jackd deliberately...
mmm, FFADO is not freebob. I would like to have it working flawlessly on
ubuntu, so it would be nice if you could provide some error logs.
> the recent svn of jackd runs just fine with my alsa-devices, only
> qjackctl needs a fresh build also and everything should be back to
> normal just better :-)
I'm pretty confident that at one point you will have issues with jackd
SVN, since I have them and they are pretty easy to reproduce.
> thanks a lot
You're welcome.
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Received on Sat Jul 12 16:15:03 2008
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