If it's set up propper I assume it must wait until it's allowed, if not
please explain how nice are working then ....
lør, 12 07 2008 kl. 14:34 +0200, skrev Kjetil S. Matheussen:
> If the program access the HD, then it makes a difference.
> PAM can't do anything about that.
> On Sat, 12 Jul 2008, Svend-Erik Kjær Madsen wrote:
> > In fact I run no cronjobs at all, but if things are given the right
> > permission and set propper through PAM there should be no problem
> > running a script as long as it has lower priority as your music
> > application as I see it. But thanks for the advise anyway.
> >
> > /Sv-e
> > lør, 12 07 2008 kl. 14:25 +0200, skrev Kjetil S. Matheussen:
> >>
> >> There is a horrible, at least it was horrible, cron job
> >> called "slocate". If you have that cron-job, you should
> >> probably turn it off, since it scans the whole HD
> >> usually once a day. You can try to run it manually
> >> to see what happens: "slocate -u" (as root)
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, 12 Jul 2008, Svend-Erik Kjær Madsen wrote:
> >>
> >>> Dear friends as I said before I'm no techie but I run all my music
> >>> applications through PAM and as they all are given nice -19 and rt
> >>> permissions I see no problem at all. I only discover problems if I mix
> >>> down and have a lot of FX effects in use, let's say over 20.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> /Sv-e
> >>> lør, 12 07 2008 kl. 14:13 +0200, skrev Kjetil S. Matheussen:
> >>>> Arnold Krille:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008 schrieb Kjetil S. Matheussen:
> >>>>>> Svend-Erik Kj?r Madsen:
> >>>>>>> Now I'm so pleased with my Multiface though it's just a Steinberg
> >>>>>>> AudioLink 96 Multiset, I don't regret the money I spend on it, that's
> >>>>>>> foe sure. And now I'm pretty confident with the thought of selling out
> >>>>>>> my ADAT's and only use my notebook or my stationary computer for music
> >>>>>>> recording.
> >>>>>> Make sure you turn off cron-jobs, or at least the hardisk
> >>>>>> file find updater [1], before doing any important recordings. :-)
> >>>>>> [1] Everyone working with audio should probably turn off
> >>>>>> that cron job.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My big cron jobs check wether "pidof jackd" returns something or not. And if a
> >>>>> jackd is running, they don't start...
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> That's a good idea. But what if the file locate updater cron job
> >>>> has started before you start jack? That could be devastating
> >>>> if doing a recording of many channels.
> >>>>
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> >
> >
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