Re: [LAU] monitor shot, need advice for a new one

From: Adam Sampson <ats@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 13 2008 - 11:39:07 EEST

"Loki Davison" <loki.davison@email-addr-hidden> writes:

> users of vga cables with an lcd should be shot.

Only if your video card has poor-quality analogue output (which is the
case for a lot of modern cards -- I've never seen an NVidia card that
produces acceptable analogue output, for example). With my cheapie
Radeon 9200, the analogue and digital outputs are indistinguishable
when displayed on a 1600x1200 LCD, which is extremely handy for

Adam Sampson <ats@email-addr-hidden>                         <>
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Jul 13 12:15:16 2008

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