Mark Knecht wrote:
>> "Loki Davison" <loki.davison@email-addr-hidden> writes:
>>> users of vga cables with an lcd should be shot.
> Dave,
> This seems like overreaction on Loki's part to me. My son uses an
> nice ($250) nvidia graphics agapter, VGA output, to drive him Samsung
> flatscreen monitor. the picture is great.
> I'n sure staying digital is a better way to go, but it's by no
> means required.
Hi Mark,
Well, I purchased a Westinghouse L2210NW at Best Buy for ~$270, about as
good a price as I could get on the Samsung you recommended. I've yet to
configure it, but it meets the exact same specs you advised for the
Samsung, so I decided to buy it. So far, so good. The display is *huge*,
and I'm hoping that a few annoyances wil be cleared up after I fully
configure it for my nVidia 7600GS.
I plan to purchase one of those Samsungs for the main room, as soon as
the cash reserves are up again.
Any suggestions for xorg.conf ? I figure to just let the nVidia
configurator do its stuff, then I'll tweak as needed.
I also bought a 4-slice toaster, but it doesn't run Linux. :(
As always, thanks for the help, it is most appreciated here in the
Btw, did anyone else happen to read about the Wall Street Journal's
"interviews" with residents of Findlay OH ? Yep, that's my hometown, and
yep, this place is filled with knee-jerk reactionaries.
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Received on Mon Jul 14 08:15:07 2008
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