Tracey Hytry wrote:
> A long time ago I discovered that analog VGA cables degraded the
> signal if they were too long.
> Everything was fine until the cable got longer than about a meter.
> This was the case when using one monitor with 2 computers and the
> signal needed to go through a switch box.
> I remember going out of my way to buy expensive, but good quality VGA
> cables just to get a decent video signal if I wanted my computer to
> be some distance from my work area.
> My experience is that all of the slight shadowing that comes with VGA
> cables went away when I started using a flat panel _and_ DVI cables.
> If I need a couple of meters distance between the computer and the
> monitor I now only use DVI. This is the case when using a video
> switch box. The cost of DVI cables have come down toward the price
> of a good quality analog cable, so everything works out fine now.
> The disadvantage to all of this is that DVI switch boxes are
> expensive! Such is life, to be able to see pretty pictures.
There are VGA booster boxes meant for use when extending VGA cable
lengths ...
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Mon Jul 14 16:15:03 2008
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