Am Montag, 14. Juli 2008 schrieb david:
> hollunder@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> > a good friend of mine is in the market for a mixer that is at least
> > capable of recording a whole band simultaneously.
> > He thinks that 16 channels might be a minimum for that, but he isn't
> > exactly experienced, and me neither.
> What's a "whole band"? My church band has two electric guitars, one
> acoustic guitar, one violin, one keyboard; 8 singers; two wireless mics
> used by the priests ... we use a 16-channel Firewire device and
> sometimes find ourselves wishing we had more channels ...
On the other hand some of our church bands consist of one person with a guitar
and a voice. Two additional wireless mics for the speakers and I can mix this
setup with my 8-track firepod :-)
Have fun,
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