Re: [LAU] OpenMoko FreeRunner and Real Time Kernel

From: MarcOChapeau <marco@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 15 2008 - 09:31:49 EEST

On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:28:04 -0700, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I just received my OpenMoko FreeRunner phone and have been poking around
> it, trying to learn my way around it.
> I found this interesting:
> root@email-addr-hidden-gta02:~# cat /proc/version
> Linux version 2.6.24 (build@email-addr-hidden) (gcc version 4.1.2) #1 PREEMPT Thu
> Apr 24 08:23:36 CST 2008
> Hmm... the FreeRunner ships with an Ingo patched RT kernel?
> It's tempting to try to port JACK and maybe FluidSynth to it and see what
> happens.


Welcome on board ;-)

The kernel is a normal preempt. As others have stated you need "PREEMPT RT"
to appear. Just so you know, I had tested building a JACK ipk and managed
to install it on an emulated phone a while back. I know some changed where
made by Paul to JACK's autotools stuff WRT code optimization for this

Jack did run although I haven't been testing it deeply... I doubt the beast
is powerful enough to run fluidsynth.

Now, if you or others are interested, join #openmoko-devel on freenode.
we're working on a "Stable Hybrid Realease" here. It's good fun, and I'm
guessing that even if JACK is not what is used by the phone, all audio
hands are welcome. I got myself on the migration of the dialer to the new
dbus interface...

Cheers !

-- Marc-Olivier Barre --
 --- MarcO'Chapeau ----
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Received on Tue Jul 15 12:15:02 2008

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