Re: [LAU] headphones

From: Mark Knecht <markknecht@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 16 2008 - 20:11:56 EEST

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 9:15 AM, schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> u'll have to verify the 50 euros part but assuming 2:1 then the
>> typical first answer for pop/rock type recording/listening is often
>> the Sony MDR-7506. A bit bassy. (Understatement) A very good choice. I
>> If you're more of a jazz/classical listener then I much prefer my AKG
>> K240's but they're typically a bit more expensive.
> Thanks. And if I say that I want to use it for practising bassguitar
> (and maybe guitar and keys), does that have influence on your advice?

Assuming you're a rock bass player then the 7506's will be good for
that. However if you then move to playing live using a regular amp
your bass will likely sound *quite* different and that can be
frustrating. If you intend to practice and then record in your home
studio then I find the 7506's a better overall product for this use
since they're well isolated.

Just my views,
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Received on Thu Jul 17 00:15:02 2008

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