I know I'm a little late... but...
I recompiled zynaddsubfx (cvs patched) and it now works fine with freebob...
Peter Lutz wrote:
> I'm very new to Linux audio recording, so I apologize in advance if
> I'm missing something obvious.
> I have a brand new computer with an M-Audio Delta 44 audio card
> running the latest version of Ubuntu Studio 8.04. I've been
> experimenting with software synthesizers using a USB MIDI keyboard,
> and I've managed to get QSynth working very well and have had some
> success recording that. I thought I'd try ZynAddSubFX since it sounds
> amazing. The problem I'm having is that the sound crackles (that's the
> best word I can think of to describe it) when I play it. The very odd
> thing I've discovered though is that if I record ZynAddSubFX in
> Ardour, I don't hear any crackling during playback of the recording.
> It's only as I'm listening to ZynAdd in real-time as I play it. I've
> tried using different speakers and headphones, but it makes no difference.
> I suppose I could just record it and try to ignore the crackling as I
> play, but it would obviously be ideal to have no crackling at all.
> I've tried tweaking both the ZynAdd settings and JACK settings
> (although my guess is that JACK settings are fine, since I haven't had
> any issues with recording live instruments or recording QSynth) but to
> no avail. I have the sample rate in ZynAdd matching the one in JACK
> (48000Hz) and have tried different buffer sizes in ZynAdd but haven't
> noticed a difference. I've also noticed that it usually doesn't
> crackle when I'm using the default instrument in ZynAdd, only once I
> switch to a different one -- then it seems pretty continuous no matter
> which instrument I switch to after that.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this?
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