Re: [LAU] ZynAddSubFX chagneing tempo in an instruments effect ?

From: Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 19 2008 - 01:18:27 EEST

Svend-Erik Kjær Madsen wrote:

> It's the Resonance Synth from the Synth group, but the echo tails comes
> a little to fast, they are about tempo 120 and I would like them to be
> 100 or even lower, how can I change that ?

Did you try "Edit instrument"->"Effects"? The first (and in this patch )
only fx is "echo 1", turn the delay knob a little to the right, for a
slower delay.

NB: I don't know of an exact way to do this, I think you must have a
steady hand and an open ear :-)

NB2: You must be in "advanced mode" for this to work...

peace, love & harmony
Atte       | |
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Received on Sat Jul 19 04:15:02 2008

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