Re: [LAU] Hardware: elektr piano / keyboard

From: schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 19 2008 - 19:05:16 EEST

R.Wolff wrote:
> Depending on which instrument (genre) you want to focus. If you're longing for
> keys mainly (Piano, E-Piano, Rhode, Wurli a B3 maybe), and synth secondly, I
> think I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this M-Audio KB. It has 88 keys (which I
> wish mine would have :( ), I guess the 'touch' would be half-decent at last. The
> 'Pro-88' has quite good keys IMHO. But be sure you get a second series model.
> The first had some problems physical with the keyboard/keys.
> If you'd be more interested in synth stuff, the Radium/Oxygen KB could be a
> better choice, as they give you extended functionality for tweaking, automation
> writing 'n stuff. I extended my synth with a Behringer BCR2000, which is a
> really cool controller. Also use it for QSynth, Freewheeling, Ardour and other
> instruments/FX/editors under 64 Studio (32-bit).
> Anyway, with Thomann I never had the slightest problem. You can send back the
> stuff you don't like within 2 weeks at last.
mmh I don't think it will be a maudio... don't like the keys.

What do you guys think of an older one: alesis qs8? How much should I
pay for a second hand one in Europe?

I'm thinking about to buy a keyboard from fatar or an older alesis qs8 a
like now...

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Received on Sat Jul 19 20:15:06 2008

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