Re: [LAU] headphones

From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 20 2008 - 13:26:05 EEST

Am Sonntag, 20. Juli 2008 schrieb porl sheean:
> i know that all of the headphones mentioned here are great quality
> etc, but which ones do you people think are the most accurate *flat*
> response? obviously not the grados, as they apparently exaggerate the
> top end a bit, but which ones are the closest to a perfect flat
> response? ie bass levels not boosted or attenuated, not exaggerated
> mids etc?

I think truly flat responses is impossible with headphones. Just compare the
sizes of your more-or-less flat response studio speakers and the size of the
average headphone. A speaker with a diameter of only a couple of cm has its
resonance never in the range the bass-driver of your studio-speakers. So you
have to do several design-tricks to try to equalize the response. And that
with the limited amount of space. It is a wonder these headphones sound as
good as they do. (And most cheap one and even a lot of not-so-cheap ones
sound like crap...)

Have a nice sunday,


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