Re: [LAU] MIDI via Wiimote?

From: Nathanael Anderson <wirelessdreamer@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 27 2008 - 20:48:57 EEST

Re: MIDI via Wiimote?

there was a project called the wiinstrument that had released some mac and
linux files, but they decided to not continue their work on the project, I
was able to get it It built on ubuntu. the release I used had some problems
with how boost's circular buffer was implemented, so the initial screen
would crash if it was left on.

the wiinstrument wasn't as flexable as I was looking for so I started
working on some wiimote to midi code that will be hosted at I've already got some joystick and guitarhero to
midi code written, i'm cleaning it up now before posting it. Feel free to
followup if you don't see the code, i've been putting off finishing cleaning
it up for a month or 2.


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Received on Mon Jul 28 00:15:04 2008

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