Sebastian Porstendorfer wrote:
>> On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 22:45 +0200, Sebastian Porstendorfer wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have an annoying problem.
>>>> Anytime I record on a track in ardour2, I can only do that once -
>>>> next time I try, it acts like it records, but nothing is actually recorded.
>> whenever you (or any other user) mentions a problem with ardour, you
>> MUST state the version you are using. take a look at the release notes
>> for 2.4 or 2.5 (or even 2.3) ... this program changes dramatically from
>> version to version and without as version number, we can't tell if you
>> are encountering a problem that is already fixed.
>> if distributions would get their acts together, our first piece of
>> advice would always be "upgrade to the most recent release", but i
>> understand that this is not always possible.
>> --p
> Hi,
> thank you Paul, that's certainly my mistake.
> I simply forgot to include the information, although
> I surely should have known to include it...
> anyway, here we go:
> ardour2 2.3 (build revision 3029)
> jackd 0.109.2
> alsa 1.0.16-0ubuntu4
> Distribution is ubuntustudio 8.04 (not that I like
> ubuntu in particular, but I wanted to give it a try).
> For further reference, my issue was posted on 2008-07-26.
> Thanks!
> Sebastian
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Received on Tue Jul 29 20:15:09 2008
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