On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Apart from the fact that there are ways of doing this in software (with all
> the latency and uncertainty that arises there), you should *please* look at
> the archives of this list and find out why it is nearly impossible to do what
> you are thinking of.
> In short: You definitely need to get the clocks of the converters in sync. And
> you should also get the interrupts in sync.
I am aware of these sync issues and I mentioned that in my second
post, however I read somewhere that it is possible to do this in
software with, as you said, some uncertainty. Of course, I voluntarily
left apart hardware sync, since it concerns expensive soundcards.
Anyway, in my opinion, the idea to provide a *high quality* guitar
(including a *high quality* ADC) that you could easily plug into your
computer to play music on a conventionnal hi-fi system is not so odd,
commercially speaking. Keeping this in mind, I was simply wondering
the extent to which it was possible to generalize this to several
instruments (especially in JACK), again because it does not require
any additional sound device or guitar amp.
Thanks for the answers.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 31 20:15:01 2008
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