Re: [LAU] JACK with many soundcards

From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 01 2008 - 12:44:39 EEST

Am Freitag, 1. August 2008 schrieb Adrien DANIEL:
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
> > Trying to use a collection of (low-quality) interfaces
> Just a question. Why those interfaces would necessarily be of
> low-quality ? As there are low and high quality pickups, could not
> there be low and high quality ADC for those instruments, particularly
> with a Firewire interface ?

Well, the good-quality converters with firewire interface usually come in 19"

You could actually try to fit one of those evaluation-platforms into a guitar.
But don't expect the guitar sells to skyrocket anytime soon. Especially if
your brand-name is new.

And most (all?) good guitarists do half of the sound with the amp and speaker.
If they spend hours turning knobs (or even soldering their own tube-amps like
a friend of mine does), they won't want their guitar to be recorded right
after the pick-up. And as a hobby-recording engineer I have to say that an
electric guitar _has_ to be miked at the amp. And in the studio you also
_have_ to mike acoustics. The plugins of acoustic guitars are really good for
on-stage. But they really suck compared to a good (tube-)condensor in studio
with a nice room, some distance and right placement.

So apart from guitar/bass which instruments do you want to supply with an
inbuilt converter and interface? Keys? They (should) have optical or
otherwise digital outputs already. And using an external adc usually means
going from digital to analog to digital again. This only makes sense if you
add a leslie with microphones in between.

I do understand your idea of having the sound digital all the way. The problem
is that a) sound is acoustic for most instruments and b) you will need some
kind of network to synchronize the devices. And there it gets ugly.
I can already see guitarists destroying their guitar on stage because the
digital stuff lost sync _again_...

Not only seems this idea like transporting a concert piano on a couple of
Cooper Minis, but it also means attaching the piano to the minis by pulling
ropes through the strings of the piano.


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