hollunder@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Hi,
> I just discovered that linux journal covered rt-audio in one of their
> video tutorials. The guy compiles his own kernel and uses some stuff I
> haven't seen before, but all in all it doesn't look bad.
> Here's the link:
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/hyper-low-latency-audio-real-time-kernel
i had a tinker with set_rlimits as used on the vid to set real time
priorities and limits. it doesn't really do anything that can't be done
with /etc/security/limits.conf and chrt. And it runs SUID root, which
could be a security risk.
strangely the guy in the vid set rt priorities for qjackctl, ardour and
other audio softs he was using as well as the expected jackd.
surely only jackd and the sound card IRQ need real time priorities?
or am i missing something here?
cheers, G.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 29 20:15:02 2008
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