Re: [LAU] Distributions kernels'n stuff

From: Roberto Gordo Saez <roberto.gordo@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 15:06:54 EET

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 11:38:56AM +0100, Arnold Krille wrote:
> I know from hard everyday experience that 1.4GHz 64bit single-core are almost
> twice as fast as 2.4GHz 32bit dual-core with math/science calculations. 'Nuff
> said. For anything else please read my past posts to this topic...

Hi Arnold, could you please point me to the link to your past posts?
I'm interested on this, I've just noticed the opposite in a big cluster
of servers (32bit was almost twice faster than the 64bit version of the
same distro, probably it depends on the math operations or software,
I guess...).
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Received on Mon Jan 5 16:15:03 2009

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