Re: [LAU] Building a DAW on Linux for Yamaha DTX II

From: <cimo75@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 18 2009 - 23:04:57 EET

I use Planet CCRMA repos with Fedora 8

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Emanuel Rumpf <xbran@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> 2009/1/18 gravyface <gravyface@email-addr-hidden>:
>> Hello all,
>> It's been over 10 years since I've done any digital audio stuff on my PC and
>> now having finally bought a house, I'm actually going to have some room in
>> the basement to setup a DAW, my Yamaha DTX II kit, keyboard, etc. and have
>> some fun.
> Lucky man ! :-)
>> Anyways, back in the day, triggering audio samples via MIDI was always a bit
>> of a hassle with my (at the time) underpowered machine with the various VST
>> instruments. I now have a P4 3.0GHz box with 2GB RAM and some sort of
>> newish Soundblaster card and I'm interested in triggering live .wav/digital
>> audio drum samples with my kit and some Hammond B3 emulators from my
>> keyboard. I'd like to do some multitrack MIDI and audio recording as well
>> (most likely overdubs so a multi-input soundcard/break-out device isn't
>> really in the picture right now).
>> Can anyone suggest what software (or any how-tos/sites) I should be looking
>> at?
> There's a lot of software around!
> First have a look at !
> Note: The applications mentioned there have very different quality and features,
> so it might take some time, until you find what works best for you.
> For Midi, pupular sequencers are:
> muse (use the cvs-version!), rosegarden, qtractor, non-sequencer, seq24
> Some Trackers support midi as well (btrk IIRC)
>> What distro is best? I'm more confortable with Debian/Ubuntu
>> personally.
> Then try Studio64, pure:dyne or Ubuntu Studio
> --
> Emanuel
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.wmv , .wma , .pps along with all proprietary Windows formats won t be
accepted and/or viewed....
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Received on Mon Jan 19 00:15:03 2009

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