Re: [LAU] showing piano style double staves in Rosegarden / Lilypond

From: andy baxter <>
Date: Sat Jan 24 2009 - 23:48:21 EET

andy baxter wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know if there's a way to display recorded midi tracks in
> Rosegarden with a double staff, treble and bass clef, the way piano
> music is usually written?

I'm posting this in case anyone else has a similar problem. I've written
a short script (attached) in Python which takes a lilypond file output
by Rosegarden and converts it to piano stave format, then runs lilypond
on the result to make a pdf.

I've only tested it on single track, single segment files so far, so it
may fail with more complex files. To use it just export your rosegarden
session to lilypond format, then run ''

If you don't want the intermediate files to be cleaned up afterwards,
comment out the lines indicated in the source.

Hope someone finds this useful.


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Received on Sun Jan 25 00:15:02 2009

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