On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:45:20 +0000 (GMT)
go music <goemusic@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just built the latest zynjacku-4 tarball. I have python-2.6 here.
> It configured and compiled straight through, great. Plugin lists are
> showing up OK, and at least calf and synth plugins can be loaded in
> zynjacku and lv2rack as well. However it fails to construct the GUIs
> (making it unusable) and spits out the liblrdf (v. 0.4.0 here) error
> that others mentioned before. Is this python-2.6 related or do others
> have the same thing with python-2.5 as well? Thanks for your help
> Cheers Frank
Hi Frank.
I have Python 2.6.1 and it works fine. I also have the same liblrdf
pygtk 2.13.0
gtk 1.2.10
I don't know what the problem is but I hope this info helps a bit.
From what I heard the liblrdf error will be fixed in the next version
and it doesn't really hurt.
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