Re: [LAU] Replying to a digest (Was: Linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 24, Issue 12)

From: Johannes Mario Ringheim <jri@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 13 2009 - 11:56:44 EET

david skreiv:
> Some people perhaps prefer to not pay the interruptions caused by
> individual incoming messages????

Why not set up filters? In thunderbird, and I guess most other clients
(even webmail ones), it's a breeze.

For Linux Audio Users, for example, you could set up a filter for all
messages containing "[LAU]" in their subject, and put them in an own folder.

Ringheims Auto - Fri musikk for bilstereo!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 13 12:15:03 2009

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