Re: [LAU] Open Source Pitch Correction?

From: Stéphane Magnenat <stephane@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 20 2009 - 09:56:55 EET

> Is there any real open-source pitch correction software for use with Jack?
> I use Ardour, and find that I could really benefit from something like
> this, for my vocals...

If you are interested in an offline tool to correct your singers, based on
their actual pitches and with respect to a reference frequency grid, I have
developed a Qt4 GUI over Praat that allows exactly this:
This program is currently alpha and limited, but it would allow you to edit
the pitch of a singer track. You need a working installation of Praat to make
it work.

Maybe it is useful to you. Have a nice day, best regards,


Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 20 12:15:01 2009

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