Re: [LAU] [ot] Visit to London

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 05 2009 - 01:33:08 EET

On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 19:41:08 +0100 (CET)
Julien Claassen <> wrote:

> Hello Londoners!
> My girlfriend and me, we're coming up to London for a few days in early
> April. I've just been wondering if any of you might know a cheap place to
> stay. Can anyone recommend a youth- or free hostel? And perhaps someone is up
> for a get together in the evening. We'll be there from April 8 to 12.
> Kindest regards
> Julien

I would suggest you stay just outside central London - a lot cheaper
and better chance of finding somewhere. Ideally near a tube/rail

I'm quite a bit further out, but I'd happily meet up on the Friday or
Saturday evening... that is of course if you can put up with the
company of an old fart :)

Will J Godfrey
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 5 04:15:01 2009

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