Re: [LAU] why shouldn't clients autoconnect to jack

From: Rick Green <rtg@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 23 2009 - 18:06:22 EET

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, Damon Chaplin wrote:

> I think there is a middle-ground here.
> When an application runs for the first time, I think it should show a
> configuration dialog allowing the user to choose connections for the
> input & output ports. These can default to the first available ports, so
> most users can simply hit "OK".
  I agree whole heartedly. An audio application is non-functional without
defined outputs, so if there is no stored config, it should walk the
first-time user thru the configuration process, and present some
reasonable choices as the 'default', while making it clear that other
options are available when they're ready to use them.

Rick Green
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                                   -Benjamin Franklin
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                                -President Barack Obama 20 Jan 2009
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Received on Mon Mar 23 20:15:02 2009

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