[LAU] Loading LASH projects from the command promt

From: Nikolay Dvoeglazov <nikolay@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 24 2009 - 03:42:33 EET

Hello everyone,

First time poster here, a great community you have here!

I'm trying to make an fully automated processor using jack-rack and LASH. The system works fine for the most part, using jack-rack to create the required effect-chain and using lash_control to save and restore the project. Problem is, I couldn't find any way to use the command-line parameter to load the lash project. Is it even possible? I want to use this machine as a headless FX-processor and boot the FX-chain automatically.

Any suggestions are most welcome!

Thank you,


Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 24 04:15:04 2009

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