Re: [LAU] Track bouncing

From: Jörn Nettingsmeier <>
Date: Mon Mar 30 2009 - 13:59:08 EEST

Arda Eden wrote:
> Sorry if this is discussed before but,
> Some DAW software can bounce mixdown to an output file directly (like
> cubase or reason).
> But many audio people claim that this kind of bouncing is not good at
> all. They say that bouncing real-time
> (like with protools or by routing all the tracks to a new stereo track's
> input) is better resulting for audio quality.
> Now,
> My consideration is that, there should be no difference between the two
> because theoretically the software
> should be writing the same data in both ways.
> Am I missing something ?

unless the software is doing something very, very stupid, you are
perfectly right. the people who argue quality issues are probably those
who use gold-plated toslink connectors on their cd decks...

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Received on Mon Mar 30 16:15:04 2009

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