On Thursday 02 April 2009 22:56:33 Alex Polite wrote:
> I just found out that wikifonia.org has all the lead sheets I could
> ever wish for. Most seem to have both melody and chords entered, but
> when I open the musicxml files in mscore (or convert to .ly with
> musicxml2ly) I only get the melody part.
> My end goal is two midi files. One for the melody and one for the
> chords, to help me with RH and LH piano practice respectively. The
> first I now how to get, but how do I get the other?
> alex
I do not believe that mscore can import chords from the xml (if they be
supported in musixml at all). In fact, scores so imported into mscore and you
add your own chords, they will not be saved and reread by mscore (an obscure
bug in that program for musicxml imports!!).
Got to check out that wikifoni site--is it legal?
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