Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here's the scenario: My notebook includes an Ubuntu 8.10 installation
> and one for 64 Studio 3.0 beta 2. Recently I added a new rt kernel to
> the Ubuntu installation. The active grub menu/loader is on the 64 Studio
> partition, so I copied the information from the Ubuntu
> /boot/grub/menu.lst to 64 Studio's menu.lst. I figured that since I can
> boot into the Ubuntu non-realtime kernel from that menu, I ought to be
> able to boot the new kernel just as easily. Alas, it just ain't so. The
> kernel loader fails every time with an error saying that
> /dev/disk/by-uuid/* can't be found.
> Anyone have any further ideas for me to try ?
can you post the relevant lines from /boot/grub/menu.lst and
/boot/grub/device.map as well as your /etc/fstab ?
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Received on Sun Apr 5 16:15:02 2009
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