definitely use the amp/mic, unless you are after a specific 'dry' tone
(i have done it in the past, but it is very obvious that the electric
guitar is plugged in directly). i guess it depends on what type of
music you are playing. anything bluesy or rocky will definitely need
the amp. you may get away with an amp sim, but i haven't found one i
have liked enough to use for real.
as for the other questions, again, it depends on the sound you want.
as a basic guide, get the sound you want from the amp and guitar
first. without a good sound here it is pointless continuing. once you
have that, then the gain for the pre and ardour should both be set as
high as possible without clipping. leave a little bit of headroom, as
most people will play slightly louder when recording than when
checking levels.
eq is something you will get many different opinions on. generally
(unless i'm going for something specific) i like to use eq as little
as possible, just taking out parts of the sound that are clashing with
the rest of the mix (like lowering the bass range to remove rumble
when you are mainly playing in a higher register etc) or boosting
*slightly* parts of the sound i want to emphasise (this is very easy
to overdo, so be careful - otherwise you will get an artificial
headache sounding song).
hope this helps. you will probably need to be more precise as to what
sound you want for anyone to be much more detailed.
2009/4/7 Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hi,
> I want to record electric guitar chord progression. I've an:
> - epiphone les paul
> - little amp, orange 30r
> - maudio dmp 3 preamp
> - shure 58a beta
> - mic stand
> What do you prefer, preamp of mic in front of amp?
> How do you manage the gain and eq?
> - guitar
> - amp
> - preamp
> - ardour
> How do you �mix it?
> I've read that it is useful to use an low-pass filter, some compression
> and EQ.
> What are good plugins on GNU/Linux for this?
> What goes pre- and what postfader?
> Thanks in advance,
> \r
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