Re: [LAU] composing live w/ loops

From: Peter Plessas <plessas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 30 2009 - 23:39:27 EEST

Hi, did you look at freewheelin(g) yet?


Josh Lawrence wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a good friend who is a rapper, and he wants to get together and
> do some collaboration and make some jams. I'd like to get everyone's
> take on how they would do this with Linux. My thought process is
> this: Find a few drum loops that are tasty prior to the session, and
> start those playing. Then, maybe record a bassline (synth), some
> comping (my hardware keyboard), etc. Having the ability to turn these
> loops on/off to build a track would be nice.
> My problem is I can't think of the right combination of applications
> to do this. My synths are dssi...what app could handle the looping
> portion? Does Ardour support loops yet? Maybe some funky combination
> of sooperlooper and something else? I don't mind doing some
> planning/setup prior to the session, but I need to be able to get to
> things rather quickly so I don't hold my rapper up waiting on me to
> figure out how to work things. :)
> Any and all ideas are welcome, as I have never used Linux in a live
> jam situation before.
> (FYI, I've read Dave Phillips' great articles on working with loops in
> Linux, but I need something that lends itself to live composition.)
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Received on Fri May 1 00:15:02 2009

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