Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Olivier Guilyardi wrote:
>> I would like to get OSC support right before I go MIDI, because I expect the
>> later to consist mostly in (internal) mappings to the former. So, I need some
>> feedback on the OSC support first.
> Makes sense. Any estimate (no promises) on when this is going to happen?
Well, that depends on a couple of factors, especially time and motivation.. I
just listened to the music you take part into, namely Modlys and Vuggeviser, and
I must say I like it. I like the mood and vocals, although one or two tracks
with a higher tempo could be cool too, to my taste.
In order to really get somewhere, in addition to the midi record support, what
are the features you would need for composition and/or live performance ?
-- Olivier _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Mon May 4 16:15:01 2009
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