[LAU] Has anyone recorded S/PDIF in with U24XL?

From: Andrew Gatt <a.gatt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 05 2009 - 14:00:07 EEST


I recently bought a U24XL as i'm after recording the S/PDIF in from both
the optical and coxial inputs. I'm not using it for anything special so
just running it through ALSA is fine (i don't need JACK or anything).
When plugged in it is picked up and the mixer for it can be accessed
from the speaker symbol on the task bar (i'm running KDE4.2 on openSUSE

I installed audacity as this seemed to be the perfect application. It
installed fine, but whenever i try to record it just records a mid
frequency clicking on the right channel only. This is the same with the
U24 plugged in or out and whatever input device i select in the
preferences for audacity. I'm writing here as i'm not sure if it's an
ALSA problem an audacity problem?

Other information - i'm running it on a Dell Vostro 1500 with the
standard intel motherboard soundcard.

If anyone could help me sort this out i'd really appreciate it.


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Received on Tue May 5 16:15:02 2009

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