[LAU] SuperCollider 3.3 released

From: Dan S <danstowell+lxau@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 05 2009 - 17:15:15 EEST

SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time
audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an
interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network
client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.

Many changes since 3.2; here are some headlines:

* scvim and sced are now part of the main bundle, for using vim or
gedit as your sc code editor
* New UGens added:
    * BEQSuite filter UGens (popular set of nice-sounding filters)
    * PartConv (efficient frequency-domain convolution)
    * SendReply (sends arrays from server to the language client)
    * VDiskIn (like DiskIn but with variable rate)
    * LFGauss
* Buffer recording/playback UGens used to be limited to 16-channel;
now they can handle massively multi-channel audio
* LocalBuf framework allows synths to create/free their own “private”
buffers, simplifying buffer management in many situations
* GUI system updates: easier syntax, plus a major update of GUI documentation
* Various behind-the-scenes efficiency improvements, for a sleeker
audio server that can do more on a given machine

Source packages for linux can be found at

Ubuntu debs are on launchpad:


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Received on Tue May 5 20:15:03 2009

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