> On Sunday 10 May 2009 00:22:57 Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> > The important thing is to always use the same monitoring gain
> > and getting used to that. Unless you are moving between different
> > work locations the absolute calibration is not that critical.
> >
> > Several people have reported that the reference SPL suggested by
> > Bob Katz is quite high anyway. This is most certainly the case if
> > you are in a relatively small listening room with close speakers -
> > there seems to be a psychological effect that makes it seem
> > unnatural and unpleasant to have high SPL in small enverinments.
> >
> > So unless you go for scientific accuracy the cheaper meters will
> > probably do.
> >
> > Ciao,
Thanks Fons,
so I'll be borrowing a cheap one from a bar.
My listening space is indeed very small and I'll probably place the
monitors closely (<1,5m), so I'll likely use a lower SPL, just don't
know yet how much lower and if I'll have to read the meters the same.
I'll definitely try get into the topic some more and am looking forward
to trying it.
> Hi, Fons!
> Will you be so kind to point me to publically available explanation
> of k14/k20 sense/motivation?
> And is there some probability you will add a k0 type? :-)
> Thanks!
> Andrew Gaydenko
As far as I understood it K0 would make no sense.
I tried to remember to not forget the links but naturally forgot them..
[1] This explains the K-System:
[2] jkmeter download, tarball contains brief explanation:
Best regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun May 10 04:15:01 2009
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