Re: [LAU] getting sound out Ingen

From: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 10 2009 - 12:53:10 EEST

M Watts wrote:
> Grammostola Rosea wrote:
>> Ah, I had to put the engine 'on' when reloading the patch... (see
>> attach.)
> If you run the command
> ingen -eg &
> the engine starts automatically
>> mmh don't have sound yet..
>> \r
> The attached patch didn't have all the connections made. Sometimes
> it's hard to know what to connections to make.
> Try this one.
I get these errors:

Unable to load node /allpass (you're missing the plugin
Unable to find object to set polyphonic
Unable to find object '/allpass' to set 'ingenuity:canvas-x'
Unable to find object '/allpass' to set 'ingenuity:canvas-y'
Unable to find port /allpass/Cutoff for set_port_value
Unable to make connection /sine_faaa/Output -> /allpass/In (Port not found)
Unable to make connection /sine_faaa_2/Output -> /allpass/In (Port not
Unable to make connection /allpass/Out -> /amp/input (Port not found)

It seeems I'm missing a plugin,

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Received on Sun May 10 16:15:01 2009

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