Quoting James Stone <jamesmstone@email-addr-hidden>:
> Well, our first studio track, which was recorded by a student
> engineer in a semi-proper studio on protools, then mixed and
> mastered by a professional engineer is here:
> http://www.last.fm/music/kitten+cake
> mp3 here:
> http://drop.io/dont_call_her_baby (password: kc09)
Unless you made something really weird when encoding the mp3, I'd
really suggest you avoid the "professional engineer" in the future.
The track is so badly compressed and brickwall-limited it distorts in
several places.
The best thing would be if you pointed him to some articles about the
loudness war (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war is a starter)
and explained that it's not a good thing and you don't win by hitting
0dB as many times as possible during a song.
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Received on Mon May 11 20:15:04 2009
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