Re: [LAU] Fons could you make us an Hammond ;)

From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 12 2009 - 11:31:19 EEST

Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hello David!
> I've only heard demos of hogand so far, but it doesn't reach beatrix.
> Hogand sounds like an electric organ, but not close to hammond. It
> sounds somehow more sterile, thus giving an 80s impression. This could
> be easily explained to my ears, because - from what I remember - hogand
> uses FM synthesis. I very well-known synth in this category is the
> Yamaha DX7 (1983-87). I wouldn't discard hogand, if I could use it, but
> as an organ in its own right.

Well, that's a step ahead of me - I've not even heard the demos.

My ears couldn't tell anymore - too much exposure to pipe organs and
loud blasting rock music in my formative years. ;-)

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Received on Tue May 12 12:15:05 2009

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