Re: [LAU] Opinions: Acer Aspire One w. 8Gb SSD

From: Norval Watson <norv2001@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 12 2009 - 15:11:57 EEST

Norval Watson wrote:

> I'm thinking about getting Acer Aspire One with 512Mb RAM, 8 Gb SSD as a travel music companion/toy.
> I can get it for about half the price of an Eee..

>Half of $279?


>The Acer has about half (or less) the specs of the EEEPC, too.

I'm in Australia:
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Eee $479AUD here, can get Acer for $289 after cashback. But I agree on the specs.


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Received on Tue May 12 16:15:02 2009

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