Re: [LAU] Fons could you make us an Hammond ;)

From: Darren Landrum <darren.landrum@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 12 2009 - 22:22:23 EEST

MarcO'Chapeau wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2009 19:02:55 -0400, Darren Landrum
> <darren.landrum@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> It's all quite doable, but non-trivial, I think. The Linux community in
>> general (and this one as well) seems to me to have a bad track record
>> when it comes to cooperating on large monolithic apps. A better approach
>> might be different people making different parts as LV2 plug-ins which
>> can then be brought together in something like Ingen.
> And those LV2 plugins could be reused to invent new instruments too. Sounds
> better to me than a monolithic synth :)

I remain convinced that Ingen is one of the most important projects out
there (along perhaps with Faust) for those of us who want to make really
interesting effects and synths for the Linux audio platform.

It would make a great platform, I think, for what I want to do, which is
a sampler geared for use with found sounds and samples "from the wild",
where you don't have the luxury of tuning things and recording huge
multisample sets.

But that's another thread.

-- Darren
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed May 13 00:15:02 2009

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