On Thu May 14, 2009 at 03:48:16PM +0200, Andre Osku Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 21:25 +0100, Dan S wrote:
> > Apple defined some special "itunes" tags in addition to the
> > basic RSS ones, which suit their purposes.
> > http://www.apple.com/itunes/whatson/podcasts/specs.html#rss
> >
> > It might make sense for you to use standard podcast RSS
> Yes. But what is the "podcast" standard ? that from Apple ?
> if that of RSS (or Atom), then "podcast" is just a buzz-word, right ?
> (thats why i explicit didn't use that word directly)
these days i mainly find mix (sendspace/rapidshar ~80mb MP3 file) links in twitter. a few months to a year ago it was forums, before that i mainly streamripped rinse/deja/wfmu and used scene topsites
tho my feed parser tends to find most of the mp3 links in 'podcast' feeds:
theres not one standard, as you know, so regex and some operators was in order:
the alternative is format-sniffing and custom parsers for every format ever (but no accomodation for bad/mixed implementations) aka the mark pilgrim/google/typical-feedparser approach. they tended to be huge and broken for my needs
> Yes, i did some small tests on how "your-package-manager search podcast"
> tools display standard RSS 2.0 content as "podcast"... yeah, i can see
> some "agreements" on what is displayed/interpreted, but miro for example
> has an image "container" for every Item, but RSS 2.0 spec doesn't have
> anything hinting to be an image Element in Item... (and Atom 1.0
BBC uses a media:thumbnail element in their feeds: (media :: http://search.yahoo.com/mrss )
theres also ATom Media extensions and so forth:
> neither) so do they use that Apple spec ?
> But yes, i could use RSS 2.0 (but i would use Atom 1.0), if i only want
> users to know the title and filename of an Item (consistently in
> "podcast" players)...
> Hey! why not use just a plain list ;P
> I'll test that Apple "podcast" spec on FLOSS tools some other day...
> but is this really all (interest) there is ?
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