: Re: [LAU] usb soundcard with 6 outs
> Paul Davis wrote:
> > > Any recommendations on a 6-channel USB soundcard
> >
> > USB1/audio can't support that many channels.
> USB1 can just barely support eight channels with 16 bits at 48 kHz (the
> SB Audigy 2 NX does this in full-speed mode), but it eats all available
> bandwidth on the bus.
Thanks all for the replies. I actually missed some of the earlier discussion
regarding this so if you don't mind summarizing what is exactly preventing
us at this point in time from having a better support of USB2 cards? Is it
simply that there is no particular standard and companies are not being open
to sharing the specs? It appears (at least AFAIK, based on tests) that
Edirol UA-1EX seems to be working fine (at least at 48KHz--is this perhaps
because it is being used in USB1 mode? It seems to me that the kernel loads
usb2 module), and certainly Edirol UA-101 is almost there in terms of
support (apart from the known sync issue, not sure about its MIDI support).
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Received on Fri May 15 12:15:05 2009
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