Hi Linux audio users,
I've released a new version of Nama, a multitrack recorder,
mixer and mastering application based on Ecasound. Nama is
implemented in Perl.
In brief, if you are interested in recording from the
console, or if you would like to work with Ecasound via GUI
with some added conveniences, Nama is for you. If you must
have a graphic waveform display, Nama is probably _not_ for
A website with screenshots is at http://ecmdr.infogami.com .
I'd like to acknowledge the help I've received from Julien
Claassen. This latest version reflects many of his
suggestions and extensive testing.
Here are some of the newest features:
* Nama has a mastering mode based on the signal processing
network used by Jamin. In brief:
The mixed signal goes through an equalizer that feeds
signal paths for low, mid-range and high-frequency bands.
Each of these branches has a spatializer and compressor.
The branches join into a boost circuit with gain and limiter
controls before being output to JACK, a sound device
or a WAV file.
* Users can define and position audio regions using marks
and text commands.
* Virtual, read-only tracks (created by the link_track
command add choices in manipulating WAV files and incorporating
WAV files from other Nama projects.
Nama adds abstractions for high-level control over Ecasound
including projects, tracks, buses, marks, a mixer
and persistent settings. Nama provides an optional GUI
(based on the Tk widget set) and an extensive command
language with a recursive-descent parser.
Features include:
* Recording and selecting among multiple WAV files for each track
* Mixdown and mastering functions, including an 'automix'
function that generates a normalized mixdown.
* Transparent operation with and without JACK.
Nama will automatically use your JACK server if available.
JACK clients can be specified for track inputs and auxiliary
* Full access to LADSPA plugins, including search and
parameter help
* Non destructive editing
* Small code base and feature set help ensure reliable recording
* Full documentation (man pages, command-line help)
* Easy to review Ecasound chain setups and other data for
diagnostic purposes
Nama's text interface is perhaps the most complete user
interface available for multitrack recording, mixing and
mastering by console users under Linux. In brief, Nama
* Can be fully controlled by text commands
* Provides tab completion and help functions
* Executes Ecasound, shell, Perl, and internal commands
Nama's GUI cannot compare with Ardour, Audacity,
Rezound, Slab, etc. In particular Nama lacks a graphic
waveform display. (It is also plain to look at.)
What it does provide are:
* Sliders for all effects and plugins for which hinting is
available. Automatic log scaling.
* Pan and volume sliders for each track with buttons for mute,
unity-gain and pan-to-center.
To install:
cpan Tk Time::HiRes Audio::Ecasound::Multitrack
The executable is called 'nama'.
You will also need to have Ecasound installed, preferably
a recent version. Your LADSPA plugins and Ecasound presets
should be detected automatically.
I'll be pleased to hear any feedback.
Best regards,
-- Joel Roth _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sun May 17 08:15:02 2009
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